It was while recording at Studio One that Marcia
teamed up with Bob Andy on ‘Really Together,"
the first of many duets that the two would record. “Luckily
for me, Bob Andy was always a strong and wise person”,
says Marcia. “He was there for me in the early
days and that gave me confidence”. Then the pair
moved to the Harry J Label, hitting the British, as
well as the International charts with “Young Gifted
and Black” and “The Pied Piper,” recording
two albums of the same titles.
& Marcia @ Morgan's Harbour |
Following that duet success, she went solo again on
the High Note label with Reggae's sole established female
producer - Sonia Pottinger - hitting with several songs
including her own original “Stepping Out of Babylon.”
and releasing two albums “Naturally” and
“Stepping”. When asked to express her opinion
on female reggae vocalists, Marcia said “Its been
a rough, tough job standing up as a woman in this business,
that’s why my album before “Land of Love”
I chose to call “Indomitable”, which means
not easily discouraged or defeated. My views on women
in reggae are positive; most of the new or upcoming
female singers in reggae started out singing my songs
before doing their own originals. I feel very good about
that; to know that I have influenced my people positively.”
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